Sea Log: 2024-03-06


March 6, 2024

Pretty sure I spent more time in bed than out of bed today. I slept in (till nearly 1400) then did all my things and then after DPI was recovered I figured I could do the rest of my computer things from bed so that’s where I am. I’ve embraced that life at sea truly is an alternate reality and my usual land-routines need not apply.

Just did easy peasy salp net and Bongo tonight. The bongo was FULL of goo. Pretty sure we either demolished a jellyfish on the way up, or we crushed many a salp because I picked goo out of mesh for a good twenty minutes at least. On the upside, I can say that my tweezer skills are much improved now compared to when I started this adventure. We did get some non-goo critters too, but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing nearly as cool as dear ol’ Leroy from last night.

cryogenic marker next to a labeled lid, with worksheet filled out in the background detailing labelled petri dishes.

I finally found the good cryogenic pen again. Look how good these labels look.

gorgeous pastel/streaky clouds at sunset

Ship turned and plowed directly into the gray storm clouds as the sun was setting.

Sea fun fact of the day: When low on ink, these pens are the bane of my existence. I am currently conducting my own science experiment right now; we have some other chemical resistant pens that work REAL nice and I am testing if they’ll hold up in the -80 freezer. Fingers crossed they do, because they write so nice and we have so many of them that aren’t dying.


  1. laundry, nets, dinner, sunset, etc. etc.↩︎

  2. Getting back to east coast time after being on night shift is going to be a doozy. That’s a future me problem though.↩︎

  3. Grace may be more delighted than I am because now I’ll finally shut up about how dead all the other cryo markers are↩︎

  4. We’re in for a wavey, windy ride tonight↩︎

  5. aka I wrote on a petri dish and put it in the freezer↩︎